10 Reasons We Love Labradors

10 Reasons We Love Labradors

Labrador Retrievers are a breed that’s easy to love, which is why it’s no surprise that they’ve been one of the most loved dog breeds in America for over 20 years. But what exactly is it about Labradors that makes us fall in love with them? From one Lab owner to another, here are 10 reasons why.

1. Labradors are Caring & Kind

Our canines know when we’re sad, and there’s even science to back it up. When a Lab notices that we’re in distress, they tend to be more gentle and calm because they recognize our vulnerability. This is a major reason why they are extremely popular therapy dogs.

2. Labradors are Eager to Please

Labs are more than willing to please, more than most dogs. This breed loves to make their owner happy and tends to follow their owners wherever they go and bring them toys as gifts. This eagerness to please often makes Labradors easy to train as well; in fact, they tend even to enjoy it.

3. The Silliness of Labradors

Another great part about Labrador Retrievers is their goofy nature. These pups aren’t afraid to mess around and look a little foolish. This type of playful personality is also what makes this pooch so great with families.

4. How Messy Labradors Can Be

Okay, so maybe you don’t necessarily love how messy your Lab can get, but it can be hilarious – and it’s apart of who they are. While it’s not always a fun time cleaning up after them or cleaning them off after they get into a mess, it does make for great stories to share.

5. The Loyalty Labradors Display

Another great part about Labradors is how loyal they are no matter who you are. These pups take you as you are. And for the entirety of their life, you are their whole world – they love spending time with you can be protective of you when need be.

6. Labradors are Social & Confident

Labs are usually not shy dogs; they typically like to be in on the action. And this confidence they portray tends to be an extremely loved trait of theirs, especially for Labrador pet parents who are more on the shy side because their pooch can help them break out of their shell a bit.

7. Labradors are Courageous

Labradors have worked with police and the military in danger zones protecting us from explosives, drugs, disease, and various other sources of danger. Plus, these pups will do just about anything if it means protecting their pack.

8. Labradors are Smart Pups

With their goofy and sometimes grubby habits, Labs can seem a bit dopey at times, but as their owners know – they’re actually brilliant dogs. They are capable of learning an abundance of commands as well as how to carry out complex tasks successfully.

9. Labradors Love to Exercise

Another thing to love about Labradors is how much they enjoy playing and staying fit. This breed actually happens to be one of the most athletic and cable types of dogs out there. So, you don’t need to worry about your Lab keeping up with you on your daily runs – it’s you who will be keeping up with them and their (seemingly) never-ending source of stamina.

10. Labradors Have Contributed A Lot to Human Life

Labradors have contributed so much to our lives, individually and on a larger scale. On a personal level, Labs provide us with constant companionship, but they also provide a variety of assistance to people who need their services within the world. Labradors have also helped us through search and rescue efforts by using their incredible sense of smell to focus on and locate a specific human scent.

As pet parents of Labrador Retrievers know – there is so much to love about them, and this list only scratches the surface.

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TK Hot Kennels
Pocatello, ID

Office: (208) 703-7149


Mon-Sat 9:00AM - 6:00PM